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How to Get a PDF into iPad


If you have the PDF of LA Adventures downloaded to your desktop or laptop; here is an easy way to get it on to your iPad.


* Please note - if your iPad did not come with the "Books" App - you need to download it first before you follow the steps outlined below. You can get a free "Books" App from the iTunes store.


1) Open iTunes on your laptop or desktop. Under "Library" is a section for books - Click on "Books" and open it. Drag the PDF from your desktop into the open iTunes Books window. If you have the PDF stored in your Download Folder, and you can't get it into the Books Library - move it to your desktop and drag it from there.


2) Once you have the PDF in your Books Library, sync your iPad with iTunes.


3) On your iPad in the iBooks app, at the top of your bookshelf you'll see a button labeled "collections". Touch the collections button and select PDFs from the pull down menu. The PDF should appear on your bookshelf.


* If your PDF is not on your bookshelf you may have to go back into the iTunes Books Library and drag it from the open window to your iPad listed in the menu bar under Devices. The cover should appear in the Selected Item window.



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